Relieve the Burden of Grants Management

January 20, 2021

VIDEO — Budgetary control solutions can go a long way to streamlining grants management.

Many grants allocate a budget to a non-profit organization that is providing the service. The grant will restrict what the non-profit can spend on when they are charging back expenses to the grant.

An automated budgetary control solution makes it easy to manage grant expenses in a compliant manner. A grant can be another dimension within a non-profit organization’s NetSuite ERP that an automated budgetary control solution can budget against. This helps ensure that the non-profit is only spending on goods and services specified by the grant, and that it can prove it with reports.

Want to streamline your grants management?

Listen to the latest edition of PyanGo’s Budget Bites, How Can a Budgetary Control Solution Help Non-Profit Organizations Using NetSuite?

Want to learn more – request a personal demo?