Mastering Grants Management in 2024

By: Rich Uphus | July 9, 2024

How Cloud ERP and Automation are Revolutionizing Nonprofit and Academic Funding Operations

The landscape of grant management in 2024 presents a complex array of challenges for nonprofits and academic institutions, exacerbated by increased competition for funds and the stringent demands of grant compliance. This article examines these challenges, underscores the role of cloud ERP and automation in introducing efficiencies, and uses the Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC) as a case study to illustrate the practical application of these technologies.

The Persistent Challenges of Grants Management
Managing grants effectively in 2024 remains a significant hurdle for many organizations, necessitating a delicate balance between maximizing fund utilization and ensuring strict adherence to reporting and compliance standards. A 2023 report from the Grant Professionals Association highlighted that over 75% of grant managers cite compliance tracking and reporting as their top challenge, pointing to the intricate regulatory environment they navigate.

Moreover, the Foundation Center reports that the United States alone houses over 1.5 million registered nonprofit organizations, so the competition for funding is fiercer than ever. This environment demands financial understanding and technological savvy in managing grants.

The Strategic Edge of Cloud ERP and Automation
Cloud ERP and automation technologies are pivotal solutions to these enduring challenges. Mike Canniff, CEO of PyanGo, emphasizes the significance of this shift: “In today’s dynamic financial landscape, leveraging cloud ERP and automation is not just an advantage but a necessity. These tools offer the precision and real-time data critical for making informed decisions and maintaining compliance.” This perspective is backed by a study from Techaisle, which found that SMBs adopting cloud ERP could see productivity improvements of up to 35%.

Case Study: Transformation at Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
TTIC’s transition from a paper-based accounting system to a cloud-based solution with Oracle NetSuite and PyanGo’s Automated Grants Management encapsulates the potential of these technologies. With the laborious task of manual grant management, TTIC sought a solution that could provide clarity and efficiency. Deree Kobets, TTIC’s Controller, noted, “With PyanGo, the visibility into our grants’ financial status has significantly improved decision-making and compliance, ensuring we never overspend or underspend.”

This transformation resulted in substantial operational efficiencies. According to Kobets, adopting PyanGo and NetSuite slashed the time required for quarterly grant reporting by over 60%, aligning with Aberdeen Group’s findings that cloud-based financial management solutions can reduce operational costs by up to 22%.

Oracle NetSuite + PyanGo: A Comprehensive Solution for Modern Grants Management
The partnership between Oracle NetSuite and PyanGo introduces an integrated solution that caters to the nuanced needs of grant management. This collaboration combines NetSuite’s comprehensive ERP capabilities with PyanGo’s specialized focus on grants, delivering a system that excels in financial oversight, compliance facilitation, and streamlined reporting—all within a collaborative, cloud-based framework.

Charting the Future of Grants Management
The journey of TTIC from manual processes to an automated, cloud-based system illustrates a broader trend within the grant management sector. A Gartner report indicates that by 2024, over 65% of organizations managing grants will have adopted specialized financial management software, up from 45% in 2020. This shift towards technological solutions like Oracle NetSuite and PyanGo’s Automated Grants Management for NetSuite represents a significant stride towards more effective, transparent, and compliant grant management. For nonprofits and academic institutions, the future of grant management lies in embracing these innovations, ensuring they can meet their missions with greater efficiency and impact.

Contact PyanGo to learn how we can automate your grants management from end to end.

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