Let’s Get Granular!

December 15, 2020

VIDEO — Budgeting by project is critical for some organizations.

Consider construction firms.

But traditional approaches to expense management make controlling large capital projects hard.

An automated budgetary control solution takes the pain out of managing CapEx project expenses against budgets by providing a level of granularity and budget modeling that is not available standard in other solutions.  For instance, the technology allows organizations to budget down to the task level to account for the various phases or parts of the project.  Each of those tasks will have supplies or resources that are allocated to them.  Tasks are not a standard segment in the NetSuite ERP.  But an automated budgetary control solution tracks all the detailed expenses for a large capital project.

Want to learn more about how a budgetary control solution can help manage large capital projects?

Click here to listen to the latest edition of PyanGo’s Budget Bites, “How can a budgetary control solution help NetSuite users manage large capital projects?”

Want to learn more – request a personal demo?